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Oklahoma, United States

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Story quilt progress

I sewed a bit today on my Story Quilt. Made some changes --- I realized that my feet looked like the house had landed on the Wicked Witch of the West --- NOT GOOD !!!!!!!!!!! It looks much better with more of my legs. The brick bannisters were driving me crazy, I realized I was trying to be too realistic  with the placement of the steps, so that change is good, I think. Also I didnt like my flower pots so one more change. Actually I changed the hot air balloons too so they have more color and contrast with the border and blocks. With all the colorful crazy patch borders and hoochy mama blocks, it is hard to get enough contrast. This is certainly a learning experience and I am learning from all the necessary changes. I am using Mary Englebreit garden frames with sweet phrases and cut a heart shape to add to the gate.
I may be sorry, but I have not used any stabilizer or fusible for the applique, just sewing them on. Since I cut everything freehand I can re cut as I go and have used pinking shears on some edges.
Happy Quilting!


  1. saw our post over at Mary Lou's and had to take a peek--it's fabulous! this last post allows me to click on the photo and get a nice big picture of your work--please continue to do that because there's so much to see. Love the border!! And what are those words under the flowers?

  2. I don't use any stableizer and I don't use anything fusible. NO worries...you have the spirit....work and change and work and chage and it will be a nice surprise for you too! That is why yur memories are fun in story quilts! Love this post!


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