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Oklahoma, United States

Friday, January 4, 2013

Thinking about the New Year and the last 6 months!

Yesterday I ventured up to my garage apartment quilting studio. First time since before Thanksgiving to actually TRY to get inspiration to finish some UFO's. I placed the many blocks for my Baltimore Album ( German Heritage ) quilt on my design wall and need only 2 more blocks to create a nice layout.
You see I begin these projects (actually have been working on this for 1 year) with no end size in mind, sometimes the layout process requires making extra blocks.
My quilting fun was put aside in November to make new draperies for my living room. (Once you spend $1,500.00 on fabric, trim and rods, you better get to sewing before someone ( generous HUSBAND ) has a chance to say " And just when are you going to use all that fabric I let you buy?"
So I devoted November to the task and actually accomplished the finished draperies and sheers.
Then "ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE" 2 days before Thanksgiving when my 91 yr old Mother fell and broke her pelvis!!!!!! yes that is what I said! Could not do surgery so she was in hospital for 3 weeks with intensive physical therapy in rehab unit to get her back on her tiny feet. Dora is a trooper and was soon able to walk using a walker. My best friend/Sissy and I spent most nights and all days at hospital to help Mother but most of all to support each other. Mother lives with best friend/sissy and she was feeling very guilty for the fall, which BTW could not have been avoided.
Backing up my literary bus for a moment --- when the EMTs and rural volunteer fire department arrived to get Mother to the ER, one of the gentlemen we knew ( owner of carpet store ) told best/friend sissy not to tell me but my carpet had been delivered ( BTW I had been waiting since August for this carpet --- hence the decision to make new draperies!!!) So while attending mother at hospital I had a decision to make on carpet installation ---------
I know--- this is a tragically LONG tale --- but hoping that telling it will ease the stress and tension that began last summer when I decided to choose new carpet (after 22 yrs and a big family living on old carpet)
The Monday after Thanksgiving the installation began --- by this time I was ready to put myself in an asylum! Generous Husband and I had to clear out rooms before the installers could come and more big furniture. UGH so much accumulation having lived here 34 yrs and stuffing STUFF into closets and under beds for years. Exhausting work not to mention the dust allergies that activated with all that moving old STUFF. Well in the long run I actually got rid of very much trash and filled many bags to donate to Goodwill.
Now that Christmas decor is once again all packed away (OOPS! almost forgot to mention the week long FLU between Christmas and New Years Day ) This is turning in a SAGA! I am really appreciating my new carpet and draperies.

Once again my quilting has called me back to finish UFO's before starting anything else. Decision made to not use the large obtrusive looking pineapple block on top row and add a lyre shaped wreath around my sailing ship as if to view it through the wreath. Last night I hand appliqued flowers and leaves ( well I did work too long because my left shoulder hurt all night ) My orthopedic Dr told me I need to PACE myself!!! how stinking FUNNY is that. I obviously DO NOT know the meaning of the word --- so have given myself a little help with it --- my darling niece Jennifer called me
"Aunt C" :)))  Oh how I miss her! thank you my angel as I know you love this!!!
P -  Preserve
A - Aunt
C - C's
E -  Energy

Happy New Year and thank you if you had the patience to read this SAGA of a blog post!!!

1 comment:

  1. lol...life gets in the way of quilting. Your poor Mom...breaks are bad and the PT is painful and slow. Glad she is doing well. And it is great to clear out the stuff we tend to hide away from ourselves. It is time to do that here again.
    Your Baltimore album blocks are beautiful. I so admire and love your handwork. I wish I could do it, so do pace yourself to not do damage!


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